Programs and Services

Click below for details

Domestic Abuse

Domestic violence or domestic abuse refers to a pattern of controlling behavior used by one partner in an intimate relationship to maintain power and control over the other. It is not a private family matter, but a pervasive and life-threatening crime that affects millions of individuals across the United States, regardless of age, economic status, race, religion, or education.

LGBTQ Resources

Our LGBTQ survivors often face unique challenges, such as family rejection and lack of resources specific to their needs. WCH provides LGBTQ-specific advovacy and partners with several agencies in SE Wisconsin to assist you.

Family Intervention

Our Family Intervention Program offers a range of services to families affected by domestic and sexual violence. These services include safety planning, referrals and assistance in meeting family needs, 24-hour supportive services, support groups for non-offending caregivers, safe exchange services (child visitation), legal advocacy, education on sexual and domestic violence, assistance in filing for child support, accompaniment to court proceedings, and shelter services. This program is a collaboration between Kenosha Human Development Services, Women and Children’s Horizons, and Legal Action of Wisconsin, all of which have received state funding to provide assistance and legal representation to children and their non-offending caregivers who are victims of physical and sexual abuse or who witness or experience domestic violence.

Underserved Population

Domestic abuse in later life is a tragedy that affects older adults of all backgrounds. It can take many forms including physical, sexual, psychological, neglect, abandonment, and financial exploitation. Abusers often use power and control to get what they want in the relationship and the victim is not seen as an equal. Older adults often experience shame, pain, economic loss, spiritual anguish, physical anguish, institutionalization, and poor quality of life. Abusers can be anyone, often someone the victim knows such as a spouse, partner, adult child, or caregiver. It’s important to know that older adults may be subjected to sexual violence as well, which is an act that violates a person’s trust and safety, and is sexual in nature. This includes date/acquaintance rape, partner rape, caregiver sexual assault/abuse, stranger rape, incest, child sexual abuse, sexual harassment, exposure, and voyeurism.

Emergency Shelter

Women and Children’s Horizons (WCH) has been providing a safe haven for victims and child witnesses of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking through their emergency safety shelter since 1976. The shelter, which can accommodate up to 25-35 individuals, is open 24/7 and provides a place for victims and their children to stay for up to 30 days. Each year, the shelter supports over 300 women and children by offering 6,000 nights of shelter and 10,000 hot meals.

Legal Advocacy

The court system can be a very confusing and intimidating place. Women and Children’s Horizons Legal Advocacy Program has  advocates that assist victims through the court process including restraining orders, and family court issues such as divorces, legal separations and child custody/placement issues. Advocates are not lawyers. Advocates are available for support, information regarding court processes, court accompaniment, and help filing important documents.

Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is the most under-reported violent crime.
Sexual assault is any unwanted contact or intercourse without consent
In Wisconsin, 88.9% of all sexual assaults were perpetrated by someone known to the victim, while 6.4% were committed by strangers.
The average age of a Wisconsin sexual assault victim is 15.
According to crime statistics, there was a sexual assault every 1 hour, 33 minutes, 33 seconds in 2004.
Source for Wisconsin Statistics: Wisconsin Office of Justice Assistance Report on Sexual Assaults in Wisconsin 2004: December 2005

Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery, in which vulnerable individuals, including women, men, and children, are exploited for labor or sex through force, fraud, deception, or coercion. It is a rapidly growing criminal enterprise worldwide, and in Wisconsin, there is a rise in young people under 18 being exposed to sex trafficking. The average age of a human trafficking victim in Wisconsin is 13 years old.

Children’s Services

The Children’s Services program addresses the needs of children who are primarily of secondary victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. These groups allow children to learn about and discuss domestic violence and sexual assault and their effects on them. They also teach children about safety plans, self-esteem, and healthy behavior.

Batterer’s Treatment

The Circle of Change is a 28-week program for men and women who have used violence in their relationships and wish to change. The program is offered in both men’s and women’s groups and is held weekly at the Women and Children’s Horizons administration building. Sessions are two hours long. Referrals for the program can come from various sources, including courts, the department of corrections, clergy, private therapists, defense attorneys, child protective services, social workers, friends, and individuals who recognize their own abusive behavior and want to change.

Sexual Violence

Sexual violence is any act (verbal and/or physical) that breaks a person’s trust and/or safety and is sexual in nature. Victims/survivors of sexual assaults are forced, coerced, and/or manipulated to participate in unwanted sexual activity. It is also sexual assault if one or both parties are under the age of consent

Salem Office

Phone: 262-324-4249 x301


Women and Children’s Horizons is pleased to announce our new office located at:

8607 Antioch Rd. Unit 7 Salem, WI 53168

Office hours: Monday – Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm

Email Us Here


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