Family Intervention

Our Family Intervention Program offers a range of services to families affected by domestic and sexual violence. These services include safety planning, referrals and assistance in meeting family needs, 24-hour supportive services, support groups for non-offending caregivers, safe exchange services (child visitation), legal advocacy, education on sexual and domestic violence, assistance in filing for child support, accompaniment to court proceedings, and shelter services. This program is a collaboration between Kenosha Human Development Services, Women and Children’s Horizons, and Legal Action of Wisconsin, all of which have received state funding to provide assistance and legal representation to children and their non-offending caregivers who are victims of physical and sexual abuse or who witness or experience domestic violence.

For immediate assistance, please contact the following:

KHDS Crisis: 262-657-7188 or 800-236-7188
Legal Action of Wisconsin: 635-8836 or 800-242-5840
Women and Children’s Horizons:
Admin- 262-656-3500,
24-hour hotline- 262-652-9900 or 1-800-853-3503

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